
Thursday, September 4, 2008

Carpet-Bombing vs. Google Chrome

Just read an article in ZDNet.com about the vulnerability of Google Chrome to Carpet-Bombing that can expose users with attacks. This was caused by the WebKit (WebKit 525.13) flaw which is being used by Google Chrome.

WebKit is the rendering engine used also by Safari, which Apple eventually fixed the flaw and updated their browser. So just be careful in browsing websites. Beware!

By the way, these problems may come since Google Chrome is just in beta version. So a fix may soon come.

Read more about the article. Click here...

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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

JavaScript Benchmark overall winner

As of 18:00 GMT September 2, 2008, Google released officially the first beta version of their own web browser named Google Chrome.

My thoughts...
As soon as I installed Google Chrome, I was amazed of it's interface, it was execellent! After being fascinated with it's interface, a question came in to my mind, "How fast is it?".

How fast is it?
Really fast! It is not only based on the internet connection I have, but with the loading of the files need by the site, its fast! Thanks to the multi-threading technology of Chrome, which makes loading of html documents, images, stylesheets, scripts, etc. a thing of the past.

Sometimes its not just the downloading of files a browser must perform, but on how it handles JavaScript codes, giving the right output at the right time. That's Chrome wins with the current browsers today, Chrome comes with a new JavaScript engine called V8 JavaScript engine.

CNet.com made a Speed Test for Javascript, I am suprised on how Chrome crushed the current browsers today in the JavaScript Benchmark.

Don't have Google Chrome yet? Click here...

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Google Chrome | Google's own browser!

Hey! It's been some time since my last post. I've been busy lately since I work on a new company now.

What's the new Buzz in the web? Google Chrome!

Google Chrome is an open-source web browser developed by Google. A web browser that is built from scratch according to it's developers, also it will be multi-threaded, open multiple tabs and if one crash it doesn't affect the whole browser.

Here are some features of Google Chrome that you might be interested...

  • Blacklists - Bad sites are history!
  • Sandboxing
  • Incognito (Private Browsing) - Stealth mode! This feature is available in the Safari and IE8b2
  • Multiprocessing (Multi-threading) - Finally! I can open multiple sites in each tab and it will no slow me down... :P
  • Task Manager - Are you windows? :P Now you can see what site is the hogger of memory and processor..

Some screenshots was posted on Blogoscoped.com. Click here...

And a comics was created by the Google Team to explain the development and will be features of Google Chrome.

A beta release of Google Chrome will be initially available to Windows on 18:00 GMT, September 2, 2008. [Download]


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